If a new flat roof seal is needed, the question arises as to how much effort it will take. Is there roof sealing without tearing it off?
After thorough cleaning with pressurized water, the existing roof structure and roof insulation are examined for moisture. Read more about residual moisture.
After bubble formation and loose, non-load-bearing parts have been eliminated, the old roof sealing is strengthened and used as a carrier material for the new flat roof sealing with liquid plastic.
If residual moisture is localized in the flat roof or the flat roof insulation, flat roof relaxation fans are used.
These are permanently and permanently installed in the flat roof structure.
This allows the old insulation to dry completely again.
The roof seal on a flat roof is the outermost protective covering of the building,
which must survive long-term against all weather influences such as rain, snow, hail, sun, heat, frost, etc.
Once the roof sealing has aged and the first signs of damage appear, you are faced with the question of which material is best for sealing flat roofs in the long term without tearing it off.
The more opinions you get, the more materials are recommended and the more uncertain you become when making your decision.
For decades, bitumen membrane and roofing foil were always the first choice, even though the problems with these systems were well known.
Seams and overlaps, connections to components, adhesion to the substrate as well as aging and brittleness due to weather. The materials became brittle and cracked. Liquid plastic with fleece was soon used as a flat roof seal to securely seal these weak points. isodach started early on to renovate and seal entire flat roofs with liquid plastic and fleece. Due to the enormous roof areas in industry, isodach can also offer private homeowners the process of roof sealing without tearing using liquid plastic economically and cost-effectively compared to conventional methods.
Flat roof sealing without tearing
Saves waste
Saves time
Saves costs